考研英语作文 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-04-05 06:10


  As is vividly revealed in the photograph, two players with masks are playing fencing with tenacity and quickness. We are informed that “It is opportunity as well as challenges”. Some people believe that opportunities are the result of coincidence or random chance, others argue that they exist all around us and that our attitudes determine whether we exploit an opportunity or forfeit it.

  One factor that plays a role in determining our opportunities in life is random chance. Some people are born with certain opportunities. For example, Prince William would not be second in line to the British throne if his father had been anyone other than Prince Charles. In addition to the element of chance, a large part of opportunitystems from individual attitudes and mindsets. Opportunities often exist all around us, waiting for those with the courage and enterprise to seize them. Finally, many of our opportunities are the result of hard work and perseverance. While utilizing one’s natural endowments and taking advantage of existing chances is important, new opportunities can only be created through effort and action.

  In sum, I believe that the number of opportunities each of us has depends on a combination of factors, including random chance, individual mindset, and the degree of one’s perseverance. To make the most of our lives, we must capitalize on chance, maintain an optimistic attitude, and work hard to achieve our goals.









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