雅思写作词汇中口语化词汇,如小作文中经常出现的let’s look at the first graph;以及大小作文中都出现过的一些词汇,如good,more and more,等都是口语的表达。如:Today, our world is becoming more and more reliant on modern technology.more and more过于口语化,可改成increasingly
在书写中不能出现连写的情况。如it is 不能写成it’s,should not也不能写成 shouldn’t等等。如:The gas A wasn’t produced until 1972, after which, its production grew rapidly.wasn’t需改成was not.
在雅思写作学习中的拼写方面,最好能做到英美拼写统一。我们要注意的是,评分标准中,考官介绍英式和美式的拼写方法,但作为考生,最好能做到统一一致,使文体更正式。如:The bottles are first divided by color into green, brown and clear ones which are then washed by high-pressurised water.color是美式拼法,而high-pressurised是英式拼法,可把后者改为high-pressurized
雅思小作文是说明文,切忌出现任何个人观点的表达,而大作文是议论文,也需避免出现情感的表达。如:Let all of us make great efforts to construct a more civilized China!
在大作文,议论文中,我们要遵守一个规则,即non-political非政治性。雅思写作是英联邦国家对考生英语水平的测试,所以考生要尽量避免出现会引起争议的话题,如战争,宗教等。如:We must be friendly to others because the Bible said, “Treat your neighbors as you would like to be treated.”