我的高中生活计划英语作文 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-02-25 08:52

  1、Now, my high school life has begun a term. High school gave me the feeling isvery much free time. It is not like the junior middle school, all the tasks arerequired to the teacher arranged after we carry out. High school has a lot oftime to myself, but it also need to use them reasonably


  2、Just entered high school I was not completely adapt to the open learning,and a lot of free time is wasted.But the after-school activities are very rich, theylet me not so lazy. Several times after the test, I realized I need to change thelearning method.


  3、First of all, I make a plan every day, and follow it strictly. Before going tosleep at night, I will check whether completed, if not complete I'll give myself alittle punishment, such as play less computer on the weekend. Secondly,I' Iprepare the second day course after finishing my homework, if time is very lateI will sleep, because of staying up late will affect the second dafficiency inclass



  4、In a word, I will often summarized my learning to find problems in astage. And the good place I didI will reward myself.I think I have completelylike such the high school life.





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