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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-05-24 08:11

  These words help me remember why embracing my essence is always the best thing to do. Perhaps this may resonate with where you are.


  All too often, women are in a hurry. We want to hurry up and find THE GUY, get married, have babies, buy a house, etc. We dont enjoy the seasons of life we are in.


  I am taking this time to reflect on my single days in writing a letter to my single self. I want to remind her of a few things.


  So its a Monday night, you have your wine, Twitter is open and you are live-tweeting The Bachelor thinking to yourself, Where is my rose Let me tell you, Neely, once you are married, these Bachelor nights will not look much different. Only instead of wine, youll be eating dinner with your husband, still live-tweeting.


  Anyway, Single Neely, enjoy this time. Not because its better than marriage — trust me, marriage is better. But enjoy it because you should be appreciating time with yourself and learning who you are. Go out with your friends more. Do all the happy hours, drink all the wines, and flirt with the cute waiter. Why Because WHY NOT!


  When that guy ghosts you after three great dates, it stings. You think, What did I do wrong Trust me — its him. He has issues that he will feel the need to share with you three years later. Sigh. Men.


  When you and He Who Shall Not Be Named go back and forth, up and down, and hot and cold, just shake your head, nod and smile and know that This too shall pass. Youll end it when youve REALLY had enough, and thank God you did.


  Remember your favorite episode of How I Met Your Mother, Remember what Stella says to Ted: I know that you are tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but shes on her way, Ted. And shes getting here as fast as she can. That quote is so true. Replay it over and over and over. Just sub in she for he and Ted for Neely. You get it!


  Girl, you are single; one day you will look back, and even though you are beyond happily married, you will remember the boozy brunches, marathon shopping sessions, random road trips, and late nights spent on the phone with your best friend talking about nothing.


  Now, your husband comes first. You think of his needs, his wants, his TV shows (mostly yours still), the foods he wants to eat, and what you two will do together every weekend. Its wonderful and magical and you wouldnt trade it for the world. But dont be in such a hurry to let go of your single self too soon.


  i have in my hands two boxes which god gave me to hold. he said, ”put all your sarrows in the black box,and all your joys in the gold.” i heeded his words, and in the two boxes both my joys and sarrows i stored.






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