吸血鬼日记主题曲 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-05-20 06:46

  1、《吸血鬼日记》主题曲是《Closer to Love》。


  She got the call today, one out of the grey

  And when the smoke cleared, it took her breath away

  She said she didnt believe 'it could happen to me'

  I guess we're all one phone call from our knees

  We're gonna get there soon

  If every building falls, and all the stars fade

  We'll still be singing this song, the one they can't take away

  I'm gonna get there soon, she's gonna be there too

  Cryin' in her room, prayin' “Lord come through

  We're gonna get there soon

  Oh, it's your light; oh, it's your way

  Pull me out of the dark, just to shoulder the weight

  Cryin' out now, from so far away

  You pull me closer to love, closer to love

  Meet me once again, down off Lake Michigan

  Where we could feel the storm blowin'


  Down with the wind

  And don't apologize for all the tears you've cried

  You've been way too strong now for all your life

  I'm gonna get there soon, you're gonna be there too

  Cryin' in your room, prayin' “Lord come through”

  We're gonna get there soon

  Oh, it's your light; oh, it's your way

  Pull me out of the dark, just to shoulder the weight

  Cryin' out now, from so far away

  You pull me closer to love, closer to love

  Cause you are all that I've waited for all of my life

  (We're gonna get there)

  You are all that I've waited for all my life

  You pull me closer to love, closer to love

  Pull me closer to love

  You pull me closer to love

  Closer to love, closer to love, closer to love

  Pull me closer to love




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