介绍旅游胜地英语作文 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-03-28 21:24

  1、Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family . First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there. The next day we went to the Tiananmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck. In the afternoon we went to the birds nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.I learned much knowledge that I cant learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.


  2、Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.






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