hero歌词 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-01-03 08:13


  Theres a hero

  If you look inside your heart

  You dont have to be afraid

  Of what you are

  Theres an answer

  If you reach into your soul

  And the sorrow that you know


  Will melt away

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you

  Its a long road

  When you face the world alone

  No one reaches out a hand

  For you to hold

  You can find love

  If you search within yourself

  And the emptiness you felt

  Will disappear

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you

  Lord knows

  Dreams are hard to follow

  But dont let anyone

  Tear them away

  Hold on

  There will be tomorrow

  In time

  Youll find the way

  And then a hero comes along

  With the strength to carry on

  And you cast your fears aside

  And you know you can survive

  So when you feel like hope is gone

  Look inside you and be strong

  And youll finally see the truth

  That a hero lies in you




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