高考英语作文——道歉信 - 考驾照网
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来源:考驾照网更新时间:2021-05-27 01:22


  列:failed to attend your birthday party.the day before yesterday.the final exam.was occupied preparing for the exam.forget the appointment.have a get- together.make up for my careless mistake.accept my sincere apologies

  润:定语从句:as I had promised时间状语: On receiving your invitation, I felt extremely happy and excited.so...that...:I was so occupied preparing for the exam that I forgot the appointment.

  so that:Could we find a suitable time to have a get- together so that I can make up for my careless mistake.主语从句:It is much to my regret that I missed the chance.

  范文:Happy birthday to you. I’m sorry that I failed to attend your birthday party the day before yesterday as I had promised.On receiving your invitation, I felt extremely happy and excited. Unfortunately, with the final exam around the corner, I was so occupied preparing for the exam that I forgot the appointment. I can imagine how disappointed you were when I didn’t turn up. Anyway, the exam over, could we find a suitable time to have a get- together so that I can make up for my careless mistake?It is much to my regret that I missed the chance. Once again, please accept my sincere apologies!





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